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European Endowment for Democracy logo 10 years supporting Democracy
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Work for us

The EED Secretariat staff members are nationals of 27 different countries, including Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. EED’s staff members have lived extensively within the countries where it works.

EED also works with more than local consultants based around the regions where it works.

All employment and consultancy opportunities are posted on EED’s website and across social media.

EED is an equal opportunity employer.


Deadline: 13 Apr 2025

Traineeship for Grantmaking support (Western Balkans)

EED seeks a trainee for a twelve-month traineeship for grant–making support (Western Balkans). The trainee will assist in the EED grant-making contractual, financial and administrative process. Proficiency in one of the languages of the Western Balkans is required.

Apply Here

Deadline: 6 Apr 2025

Senior IT Officer

The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) is seeking a highly skilled and motivated Senior IT Officer to manage and enhance its IT infrastructure. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in Windows AD management, Office 365 administration, Azure, AWS, and user support. They will play a critical role in ensuring the security, efficiency, and reliability of EED’s IT systems and services.

The candidate must have at least six years of relevant IT experience as well as full proficiency in English.

Apply Here

Deadline: 6 Apr 2025

Traineeship Finance and Operations

EED seeks a trainee for a 12-month traineeship (starting in early May 2025) in EED’s Finance team for Finance, Operations, Audit Preparation and Administrative Support.

The trainee will support the finance team of the EED Secretariat, including preparation of timesheets, processing of invoices, records management, supporting the preparation for a series of expenditure verification and systems audits required by EED donors.

Apply Here