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European Endowment for Democracy logo 10 years supporting Democracy
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Eastern Europe & Eurasia

The state of democracy in Eastern Europe and Eurasia varies significantly throughout the region. While some countries have seen strong democratic progress in recent years, others are experiencing significant democratic erosion or authoritarianism. Similarly, in some contexts, civil society and independent media operate in supportive environments, whereas in others there is shrinking space for civil society, war, and many face severe repression. The political and civic landscape of the region continues to be shaped by an ongoing struggle between democratic aspirations and authoritarian tendencies from hostile states.

EED supports civil society and independent media initiatives that are key to these countries’ democratic future. They are playing an important role in encouraging citizens’ participation in democratic processes, in addressing corruption in the region, and in ensuring access to independent information. 

EED’s flexible and risk-taking approach enables it to support democracy activists who work in constantly changing and challenging contexts, as well as those working in highly difficult and repressive environments.