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European Endowment for Democracy logo 10 years supporting Democracy
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Western Balkans and Turkey

Recent years have seen an overall trend of democratic decline, despite sporadic strides towards democratic consolidation in some countries of  the Western Balkans and Turkey region. Challenges faced include a weakened rule of law, political polarisation, diminishing civic space, rising disinformation, high media illiteracy and a lack of democratic accountability of public institutions, and a lack of funding for media organisations, in particular. 
The civil society landscape in the Western Balkans is active and it plays a crucial role in promoting democratic values and addressing social issues. There are many independent media in the region.

EED provides support to a variety of community-based organisations, including both registered and non-registered organisations, helping to strengthen civic participation and to promote democratic values in the region. 

EED supports many independent media outlets, who play a vital role in fostering democratic debate and access to information, helping them to continue operating despite challenging economic conditions.