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Roundtable with Ukrainian experts on anti-corruption and post-war recovery

On 15 March 2023, the European Endowment for Democracy hosted a roundtable discussion with Ukrainian civil society activists and investigative journalists during their visit to Brussels under the project Supervising and Monitoring Ukraine's Reconstruction Funds (SMURF) implemented by RUSI and RUSI Europe. The event was attended by eleven outstanding representatives of Ukrainian civil society organisations from RISE Ukraine, BRDO, and investigative media outlets such as OCCRP, N-ost, EED partner Kyiv Independent, and representatives of Brussels-based think tanks.

The discussion focused on the current state of anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine, particularly in the context of post-war recovery and the subsequent allocation of funding. It was noted that Ukraine has strong institutions, including civil society and independent media, to monitor reconstruction projects and the absorption of international aid. However, closer collaboration and coordination are needed, especially with organisations and journalists in the regions, to ensure greater transparency and accountability.

The participants also spoke about the use of digital tools for the reconstruction process, including a new digital platform that will standardise reconstruction and allow local communities to better plan their recovery. Each piece of infrastructure will receive a unique number and will be tracked throughout the implementation process, making it easier for the government to manage its reconstruction activities and for international partners to coordinate and track their support.

Participants also highlighted the importance of providing grants to Ukrainian journalists working in the regions, as they are the ones with in-depth understanding of the situation on the ground. Ukrainian journalists also need to be informed about the topics of interest the European public. In cooperation with European journalists, they can provide the necessary information about Ukraine’s reconstruction to the European audiences, to ensure continued support for Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts.

The roundtable discussion was a valuable opportunity to engage with Ukrainian anti-corruption experts and investigative journalists. It is crucial to continue the discussion and dissemination of initiatives that ensure that reconstruction funds are utilised effectively and efficiently, given their vital role in the country's post-war recovery efforts and the overall rebuilding of the country and in allowing a more stable and prosperous future for Ukraine’s citizens.