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Iceland Joins EED Board of Governors

Iceland joins EED Board of Govenors

This December, at the EED Board of Governors meeting, the members welcomed Iceland as its 30th member, joining the 27 EU Member States, the United Kingdom and Norway.

At the Board of Governors meeting, Iceland announced a multi-annual contribution to EED’s work, subject to annual legislative appropriations, to provide support to democratically focused civil society and media workers.

Iceland also announced a multi-annual contribution to the International Accountability Platform for Belarus mechanism that is managed by EED. This follows Iceland’s previous contribution to this platform.

David McAllister MEP, Chair of the Board of Governors welcomed Iceland to the Board.

In September, EED Executive Director, Jerzy Pomianowski addressed the Nordic Five Ministerial Meeting in Stockholm, where continuous support to EED’s work by the five countries of this regional grouping was underlined.