European Endowment for Democracy logo logo stating 10 years supporting Democracy



Rule of law in Ukraine

This year, EED collaborated with the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC) to organise two events on the rule of law in Ukraine and on the reform process, with progress on the rule of law now vital given Ukraine’s EU member candidate status and the strains of Russia’s ongoing invasion.


Difference Day

EED marked World Press Freedom Day on 3 May 2024 as one of the co-organisers of Difference Day in Brussels, together with Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Université Libre de Bruxelles and Erasmushogeschool Brussel, and other partners. The theme of the conference was: “Speak Freely Listen Respectfully, Different Opinions Matter.”


Launch of Transatlantic Democracy Support Dialogue

On 14 May, on the occasion of the Copenhagen Democracy Summit, a new Transatlantic Democracy Support Dialogue (TDSD) was launched to improve cooperation, foster annual agenda setting, coordinate collective action to address urgent challenges and opportunities, and to engage in other network strengthening activities.


Global Media Forum Bonn

EED organised a panel discussion at the Global Media Forum Bonn on 18 and 19 June, where the focus was on media organisations’ work to promote civic participation.

Iryna Fedoriv from Holka, a Ukrainian transparency and anti-corruption NGO, shared how it empowers citizens by helping them write and publish stories on important issues, connecting them with major media to amplify their voices in advocacy campaigns.


International Day of Democracy Brussels 2024

The International Day of Democracy Brussels (IDD Brussels) 2024, themed “A Year of Elections”, was held from 19 to 20 September at the European Committee of the Regions. The event featured global, European, and national perspectives on democracy and elections.


Premiere of Voices of Democracy: Ukraine’s Women Leaders

On 26 September, EED premiered “Voices of Democracy: Ukraine’s Women Leaders” at the Ukrainian Civil Society Hub, a short film featuring seven women who lead EED’s partner organisations in Ukraine.